
The website is getting beat up by spam! We have installed some new software that should help the problem. Hopefully it won’t change the usability of the site. If for some reason you submit a comment and it rejects it, PLEASE let us know. The new software should let the legitimate comments through. If not, we’ll come up with plan B. Thanks again for everyone’s support, we are having fun with the site…Hopefully you are too. –Jimm-

2 thoughts on “Spam

  1. HonG says:

    Here is a great recipe for Spam Musubi!


    cook rice (da sticky kine), make ’em into one spam shaped block about 1″-2″ high, t’row one slice fried Spam on top, and wrap da buggah wit’ nori.

    Da only hints I can ‘tink of is, try wet yo’ hands and put little bit salt on top when you stay making da Musubi shape wit’ da hot rice, and toas’ da nori little bit first.

    Hints from uddah peepo’:

    Use da spam can and use fo mold for da rice. Den da slice of spam goin’ fit perfect on top.If you can fin’ furikake out dea, mix it in da rice firs.


  2. Jimm says:

    We are having problems with spam again. We added some new features to the site that may help out. As always, if anyone has a problem leaving any comments, please email us so we can address the issue. Thanks for your understanding. Spam is a royal pain in the ASS! -Jimm-

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