4 thoughts on “Security Grate Attachment

  1. Mike A. says:

    I have not personally seen this set up yet but looking at the second lower picture prompts a question for me that those who have come across this might be able to answer. Would you be able to attack this piece with a flat head and a halligan like you would the bolts that hold on burgler bars on windows and shear them off?

  2. Josh D says:

    Could you possibly cut the head of the bolt off (the exposed rectangle) with a K-12. Or possibly cut a small triangle around the exposed fastener to allow the security grate to come off and the inside attachments would then just fall in. Anyway you attack it, just be careful about people operating inside by the windows. Those bars falling on our head could ring your bell I bet.

  3. Trevor Leland says:

    This particular setup looks different than the ones in the video. The ones in the video were secured with a cable and this one looks to be secured only with a tension bolt. Is this the case? If so, whom ever has expierence with these, which method seems to work best?

  4. Drew Smith says:

    I had seen this tyoe of window cover in an articel a few years back. I think it was references as a HUD-acceptable board up.

    The below link has a nice program on windows, although it does not deal with board ups but hurricane and blast resistant typea.

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