Enter This!

This is a recovered post:

I believe this post discussed how sometimes building owners and contractors really don’t think like us. In the photo above, the building owner had this concrete structure placed over the front of the building to make it look more “aesthetically pleasing.” It’s blocking the window mounted AC units. Since I know this building, I can tell you that this facade is made of solid concrete! Think about the effect this would have on your tactics if you pulled up with heavy fire showing and found someone hanging out of the window awaiting rescue? No one ever said this job was easy! –Jimm-  

1 thought on “Enter This!

  1. Jimm says:

    WOW! And it’s not even THAT “aesthetically pleasing”!

    I remember when I first saw this building. My first thought was “what in thee hell?” My second thought was “how the heck am I going to ladder that?” Fortunately for that building, it has a nice open courtyard in the center to access upper floors via stairs or ladder. Unfortunately, if there were a fire in an upper apartment, it would be an oven because of the concrete block construction. If memory serves, each apartment is separated by block walls. Good for surviving a nuclear warhead, bad for FD operations. When faced with such obstacles, probably the only thing to do would be to find another way. I believe there is a parking garage in downtown Orlando (unless its been torn down) with a similar look.

    Not knowing this particular building a thought that crossed my mind is in the survival mode I would maybe try and use this as a ladder if given the room away from the walls. Worst case One may be able to shed their pack and travel horizontally into a safer area then down or up if blocked into a room by fire. Utilizing these as steps would resemble that of a pompier ladder. From the appearance of the picture the facade is set away given enough room for such a technique. Remember it is survival and anything goes….JP

    Another thought on the same line for victim rescue (boy the chiefs will love this one) in worst case scenario the victims can be accessed using this facade as a scaling (Pompier ladder). Extreme difficulties would be encountered getting victims down however air supplies as well as calming can be handled by the firemen until alternate plans are enacted. Obviously if the rear of the structure or interior means of egress is possible this would by far be superior and the way to handle. However anything is possible in the worst case scenario.

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