Just Use the Key

Sometimes you just need to laugh at someone else’s expense, besides, this video never gets old…
[flv]http://www.vententersearch.com/videos/pdforceentry.flv[/flv]This is why we train, this is why we carry tools, and most importantly, this is why we are not cops…

12 thoughts on “Just Use the Key

  1. Alex says:

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA OWNED by the door! great!

  2. acklan says:

    I guess the only thing, in this case, that is hard than the cops head is the steel in the battering ram left in the SRT unit. I am sure the guys in the SRT uniform would have been more than happy to show him how to properly force the door, IF HE WOULD HAVE JUST GOTTEN OUT OF THE WAY!!

  3. Jim says:

    funny someone should post this….I just did a ride along for my “other” job……officer was about to force the door (long story)…had to tell him it was an outward swinging door….lol….took him several boots with the size 12’s….coulda had him in there within seconds if he had the correct tools.

  4. Chris says:

    ahahahhaha great video, It reminds me of the Chris Farley as the Great white NINJA!! They probably even had time to ues the bathroom before they flushed there drugs!

  5. ... says:

    What I don’t seem to understand is the one officer continues knocking on the door as the Rent-A-Cop kicks the door. Do you really think they are going to answer the door when your kicking it?

  6. .... says:

    I guess they didn’t teach them just above or just below the locking mechanism at the police academy! And after all of the effort they still used the regular knob.

  7. Evan Swartz says:

    We now know why they make a police version of that halligan. And who says F.D. cant reach out.

  8. Brad says:

    A few more points on the civil service test (in forcible entry no doubt) and he could have been a firefighter!

  9. John says:

    WOW… all eyes tunneled at the door and no one keeping their eyes on the potential threats who are taking this video. Luckily for the cops, all they were doing was taking this video.

  10. Brandon Lane says:

    So glad this was posted now if we only had a video of someone falling in after actually kicking the door in!! Fire Personnel should never make this a practice!! Even though this isn’t a fire scene! They could’ve been armed and ready to blow this guys a** away!! FE TOOLS WORK…if you use them!

  11. Mike says:

    Notice two things,

    A. Mullet
    B. Fat cops

  12. Hustlin' says:

    A. Don’t be jelous of the UCs mullet cause you have to maintain your hair off the collar…priceless mullet!

    B. We don’t work out everyday on the job!

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