Truck Work Challenge


Lieutenant Kenneth Pagurek from Philadelphia Squad 47/B sent in these pictures of a structure that would require some great truck work. The crew of Squad 47 came across this mess while checking out their area. Photo credit goes out to Firefighter Terry Lorson and the rest of the 47's gang. The structure has store fronts and residential units, with all sorts of surprises: billboards mounted to the facade and the roof, roll up doors, fence, razor wire and the list goes on... We know this may not be in your area, but it’s a great time to review with the crews about prioritizing your truck work. Use this one a company drill around the dinner table. There is a lot that needs to be done and overcome on this structure. What needs to be done first? Who’s going to accomplish the task? What tools are needed?

For purposes of the photo descriptions, we’ll consider this the A/D corner. Side A is to the left with the pizza shop and the burger billboard.

The photos below are some close-ups of the A/D corner. It shows some boarded-up windows on the second floor, the facade attachments, and some razor wire.

Any considerations when the fire auto vents out of these windows?

These roll-up would certainly be closed after hours, delaying the detection of the fire.

The photos below are of side D, and some of its challenges.

As we said in the intro, we already know it’s not in your area! It’s still beneficial to take the time to review these photos with the crew and discuss some of the priorities and how you will accomplish them.

What are your thoughts on access, forcible entry, ventilation, and laddering?