Look and Listen

Coordination of all activities is essential to our success on the fire ground. Check out this video from a recent fire in the Bronx. We are not sure of every unit that was operating; however, we know at least TL-44 was there. Kudos should go out to all crews operating on this job. It truly shows how well trained, highly disciplined crews operate on the fireground.

If you look close you can see the OVM listening attentively to his lapel mic so he makes sure he hears when the Engine has water on the fire. As soon as he hears that traffic, he drops the mic and gets ready to work. He then visually monitors for signs of extinguishment and vents at the appropriate time. While he is focused on his job, a firefighter exits from the bucket of TL-44 to the floor above and begins VES. There was no excitement on the radio, there was no unnecessary radio traffic, it was just some well trained professionals operating how they should.

Besides the potential difference in building construction, could this video have been of your crew? If not, why? Don’t train until the members of your crew get it right, train until they cannot get it wrong!

4 thoughts on “Look and Listen

  1. chris says:

    Well I know of one jurisdiction where such a calm, orderly, well coordinated effort would have been made.

  2. justyn says:

    I love the radio traffic and the patience the OV and VES guys show. No one yelling, not covering anyone up on the radio and no unnecessary chatter. I still don’t understand firefighters and chiefs getting excited on the fire ground.”Oh my God, it’s a fire!”, “No s#!t, that’s why they called us”. Great job guys!

  3. "Firedog" says:

    To further add to what Justyn stated….
    To quote my Friend and Colleague Andy Fredericks
    “The Garbage Man Doesnt Get Excited When He Turns The Corner and Sees Trash! And You Shouldnt Get Excited When You Turn The Corner And See Fire !
    You Should Expect Fire On Every Run!!

    I Miss You Brother!

  4. Andrew says:

    I live in the Midwest, where its rare that firefighters see as much fire as the brothers on the east and west coast. Its hard to imagine some of the departments I know around here NOT yelling on a scene. I had to chuckle at Justyn’s comment ” oh my god its a fire, no shit! that’s what they called us for” But I will for sure take this video back to the guys on my crew and we will work on training until we can’t get it wrong.

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