Interesting Electrical Hazard

I have noticed a trend in many of our posts. They seem to follow the thought process of: What you see is not always what you get! I think this is an import thing to remember about our job. I believe that everyone who wears a lid should look at every single building and ask themselves or their crew “what if…” It is amazing the things you will find in your own first due area every single day! Captain Tom Redmond of Cocoa Beach sent in photos and a description of an interesting electrical hazard an alert Engine crew found while performing a Company Fire Inspection. Look closely at the picture, anything look out of place? Be sure to click on the supplemental page with more pictures and a complete description of this unexpected hazard. –Jimm-

2 thoughts on “Interesting Electrical Hazard

  1. Dave says:

    Talk about an eye opener! In our line of work we constantly have to remember that old saying “people don’t call us because they’ve done something smart” and that human nature will cause people to do some dangerous things. I personally hate dealing with electricity, scares the be-jesus out of me. Great catch by the Engine crew doing something that we all dread, company fire inspections. “Isn’t that what inspectors get paid for?” or “Why are we doing this when the inspectors just did/or will do it anyway.” are some of the excuses I’ve heard (and may have said) over the years. We do them because of this example. We do them so we learn the building, the hazards, and the construction type. It is one of those tasks (which currently our department doesn’t do) that may seem trivial or meaningless, but if it saves your butt one day, darn well worth it. It may be called inspections, but it is still training. Once again, great info. Keep up the great work and literally, stay safe out there!!

  2. Nelson Patterson says:

    Meter is missing; jumper wiring installed(too small however). Where is the electrical inspector?

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